Maytag repair called me today to renew my service contract on my dishwasher....
And it got me thinking that there are Alot of really Stupid men in the
Home repair/appliance repair/Home improvement
And these men most likely have some poor suffering wife at home
shaking her head and wondering how did she end up married to this
Instead of a Boob.....what happened to all the Bob Vilas of the world.....
Why doesn't a Bob show up to fix my stove or help me at the
Home Depot....
No Bob's to be found.....only Boobs.....
H ere are a few good examples.....
Last time Maytag sent out a guy to repair my dish washer he didn't have a clue........ First of all he was British...
Have you ever in your life had a British repair man show up at your door.....No.
Men with English accents should not be servicing appliances....
They seem...well........too dignified....
He was nice enough and I really enjoyed hearing him talk....it was like having
"Lovejoy".......Ian McShane in your kitchen....
But the poor man didn't have any idea how to fix a dish washer......
After about a half hour of fiddling and doing nothing....he admitted he was new and his
last job was that of a T.V. repair man......
Great...... A Boob with an accent.
Then there was the guy in the flooring department at the Home Depot.....
Needing to replace our outdated linoleum floor in the kitchen I went looking for
I brought in my measurements nice as could be and picked out lovely stained wood....
I got a price with installation and made an appointment for the
measuring guy.......this is a real job?.....to come and verify my measurements....
What's worse then a repairman with no experience.....
A man with a Tape Measure who doesn't want to work....
He takes all the crucial measurements and the next day Boob #1 calls me with the bad news....
You can't have a hardwood floor put down because the floor is 1/4 of an inch off in two spots...
1/4 of an inch people!!
Is there any house ever built who's floor is perfectly level....I would think not.....
That's when this genius gives me the good news....
It seems the only possible thing I can install on this floor is
#1......more out dated linoleum.....or......
Only a man would suggest that you put carpet in a kitchen.......
And then you have the Home Repair guy.....
You know like a handyman.....
Sometimes these guys operate in the after hours....after they finish up their day time job....
A strange bunch but sometimes you need to use their services.....
We hired this man to turn our washer/dryer area in our kitchen into a pass thru island into the family room.....
He showed up every night on time doing a little bit every night....
dry wall.....trim.....and he was almost done....and he was to get paid at the end of the job....
Then one night he never showed up.....Job undone....no money changed hands....
But do you think a women would work for weeks then disappear one night and never come back to get paid....
This guy went from your basic Boob to a Big Moron....
and the Plumber that came in after him to install a little prep sink....
hooked up the hot and cold water backwards.....
Case Closed......